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September 25, 2012

Gov. Signs Bill Increasing Boat Registration Fees

Gov. Signs Bill Increasing Boat Registration Fees

Byline: Log News Service SACRAMENTO (LOG NEWS SERVICE) — Gov. Jerry Brown announced Sept. 23 that he had signed a bill that could double the registration fee currently paid by

Dying Salton Sea: Source of Mysterious Foul Odor?

Dying Salton Sea: Source of Mysterious Foul Odor?

Byline: Associated Press/Gillian Flaccus SANTA ANA (AP) — The saltwater lake that could be to blame for a rotten-egg stench that swept across the greater Los Angeles area Sept. 10

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Fake Coyotes Used to Scare Real Geese Off Beach

Byline: Associated Press HOWELL, Mich. (AP) — A Michigan community that is fed up with goose droppings fouling a popular beach is hoping that fake coyotes will encourage the birds

CV Power Plant To Be Demolished in One Implosion

CV Power Plant To Be Demolished in One Implosion

Byline: Taylor Hill CHULA VISTA — Before Chula Vista’s 556-acre Bayfront Master Plan can move toward reshaping San Diego’s South Bay, a defunct power plant must be demolished. The power