REDONDO BEACH一 On March 19, the Second District Court of Appeal upheld a 2019 ruling by the lower court that had two Redondo Beach residents paying almost $900,000 in legal fees to Mayor Bill Brand and Councilman Nils Nehrenheim.
In 2019, Judge Malcolm Mackey found a 2017 lawsuit claim from Redondo...
3 Responses
Former failed RB City Council candidate Doug Rodriguez, a buddy of Chris Voisey and Arnette Travis, filed an anonymous*, FPPC complaint aganst these same people and ROW, and it, too, was just dismissed as being without merit. I hope the California AG and the State Bar Assn. looks into this multi-pronged, coordinated campaign to attack, intimidate and harm the reputations and livelihoods of local community activists.
Former failed RB City Council candidate Doug Rodriguez, a buddy of Chris Voisey and Arnette Travis, filed an anonymous*, FPPC complaint aganst these same people and ROW, and it, too, was just dismissed as being without merit. I hope the California AG and the State Bar Assn. looks into this multi-pronged, coordinated campaign to attack, intimidate and harm the reputations and livelihoods of local community activists.
* Rodriguez erred in achieving anonymity by including self-aggrandizing personal details which revealed his identity.