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Catalina Connection

2023 Catalina Island Audubon Christmas Bird Count

CATALINA ISLAND – Join the Catalina Island Conservancy – the Trailhead, staff, and other naturalists – from 6:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Dec. 17 to count and record as many


Bizarre Facts: It’s Electrifying!

If only an Electric Torpedo Ray could light up the Dana Point Boat Parade! Because Dana Wharf Sportfishing found a rare species at the end of their line on Nov.


On the Water During Winter

The days of soaking up the sun on the water are behind us for now. While boating and fishing are still possible during these colder winter months, there are new


The Origins of The Newport Beach Holiday Boat Parade

NEWPORT BEACH — The Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade is not only one of the oldest holiday boat parades in California, it is one of the longest-running Christmas boat parades