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News & Departments


Mexico Report: How to get weather from floating hams

Many places along Pacific Mexico’s beautiful 3,400-nautical mile coastline have absolutely zero cell-phone coverage, and lots of popular cruising ports still have no internet, this is surprising for a lot


New Campground to be Built this Year at Prisoners Harbor

CHANNEL ISLANDS—On April 4, Channel Islands National Park Superintendent Ethan McKinley announced construction will begin this summer on a new rustic campground near Prisoners Harbor on the east end of Santa


Top Corner: Good halibut action near Catalina Island

CATALINA ISLAND⸺ “The Current fished an all-day 6 pac trip to Catalina on Friday,” said Brian Wooley from Dana Wharf Sportfishing and Whale Watching in an email. “They had some

Fish Rap

Featured Catch: Red drum in Louisiana

VENICE, LA⸺ Lucky B Sportfishing from San Diego ventured out of California to check out the fishing of the coast of Louisiana. “Captured my first redfish this afternoon on our

Dog Aboard

Wanna go on an Adventure? Shore Do!

LONG BEACH⸺ “Milo (blonde) and Otis (red/white) love going out for a ride around Rainbow Marina, Shoreline Marina to Alamitos Bay,” said Cristina Corral in an email to the Log.

Dog Aboard

Aloha from Belle and Lily

SAN DIEGO⸺ Belle and Lily were part of the crew on Honu Kai over the summer! “We had so much fun sailing around San Diego this summer,” said Sailing Honu