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Chula Vista Bayfront Master Plan Receives Award

Chula Vista Bayfront Master Plan Receives Award

Chula Vista Bayfront Master Plan Receives Award

CHULA VISTA – The Chula Vist Bayfront Master Plan has been awarded the National Planning Achievement Planning Award for excellence in urban planning by the American Planning Association (APA).

APA recognized the City of Chula Vista and the Port of San Diego for its efforts to create a sense of place through a public space effort. The plan has also been recognized for its projected impact on job creation and business growth, according to the port.
“It is a tremendous honor to be recognized by the APA for a project that has taken years of hard work and dedication from staff at the City of Chula Vista and Port of San Diego,” said Chula Vista Mayor Cheryl Cox. “We also share this award with Pacifica Companies which has been a collaborative partner in this process.”

The Chula Vista Bayfront Master Plan was among 10 projects selected as award recipients. An awards jury chose the winners based on their ability to demonstrate good planning work.

Achievement recipients will be recognized at the APA’s national Planning Conference in Atlanta, Georgia in April 2014. The APA national awards program is the profession’s highest honor and is a tradition that was established more than 50 years ago to recognize outstanding community plans, planning programs and initiatives, public education efforts and individuals for their leadership on planning issues.

The 535-acre master plan will redevelop the Chula Vista bayfront into a destination for locals and visitors alike. Plans call for a world-class resort and conference center, a mix of residential, retail and more than 240 acres of parks and nature preserve. The project will connect the bayfront to the main streets in the area to provide for public access to the waterfront for pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles. Improvements to landscaping, drainage systems, water transmission lines and street lights are also features of the project.

“The Chula Vista Bayfront Master Plan demonstrates a commitment to good urban design and will transform the bayfront into a vibrant destination,” said Port Commissioner Ann Moore, who represents Chula Vista. “The project combines the best in planning and development strategies, with a master planned vision for the future that will benefit residents, the environment and the economy.”

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