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NOAA Report: Sea level rise poses consequential risk to United States

Boat Launch Lido in Newport Beach sea level rise
NATIONWIDE — Sea level rise is inevitable, according to a report released last month by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). At least 4 million Americans who live near the coast could be in a permanently inundated area if the sea level rises by 3 feet. More than 13 million...
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7 Responses

  1. Didn’t NOAA recently get caught cooking their climate data books? If they did, why should we believe anything they say?

  2. Whole report was pushed through with peer review before release.

    Information director Thomas Karl, did so by “insisting on decisions and scientific choices that maximized warming and minimized documentation.”

  3. Lets see. 3 inches in 24 years… and we’ve made valiant attempts at curbing greenhouse gases during that time (and will continue to do so). By my estimation based on this limited data from an organization proven to have “cooked the books” regardless… it seems that it would take another 72 years for the sea levels to rise another 8 inches… and by extrapolating it appears that if all were to remain the same (and again, we’re curbing greenhouse gases compared to the 1990’s levels) it would take until approximately year 2300 to gain the “3 feet” suggested by this POLITICAL organization. No?

  4. And we should believe the 8-9 inch rise that has supposedly already occurred because? There are reliable folk out there who say there has been no rise in sea levels. Oh now I understand, since we have had all the melting glaciers and sea ice the sea level just had to rise. Sort of like you glass becomes fuller as the ice cubes melt. Does it? I do not recall. My boat does not have refrigeration.

  5. This is garbage. Much is already disproven. Watch for a different tone from NOAA within 12 months and a return to actual science.

  6. Water seeks its own level, so someone please explain how it is possible for sea level to rise on only the West side of the Pacific!!!???
    Pure nonsense!

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