2022 Ken Hoover Memorial Race (April 23-24)
REDONDO BEACH⸺ The 2022 Ken Hoover Memorial regatta hosted by the King Harbor Youth Foundation and the King Harbor Yacht Club is scheduled for April 23 and 24. The regatta is governed by the Racing Rules of Sailing and will be held in and around King Harbor Marina. International Optimist Dinghies are eligible to compete by completing the registration and paying entry fees; they will also need to adhere to the measurement standards of the International Optimist Association. There will be a Championship fleet which will be split into three classes based on age and a green fleet. There is a $90 entry fee for the race; entries can be made online at https://bit.ly/3x7zBHJ. For more information, contact Roger O’Connor at [email protected].
2022 William Berger/William Stein Race 3 Pt. Dume and Return (April 30)
MARINA DEL REY⸺ The third installment of the William Berger/William Stein series is scheduled for April 30. This event is governed by the Racing Rules of Sailing and is open to all boats with a valid PHRF of Southern California Rating Certificate. There will be two divisions, Berger and Stein (Cruising Class). The Del Rey Yacht Club reserves the right to reassign a boat from the Stein division into the Berger division; boats entered in the Stein division non-spinnaker shall include that offset at entry. During the series, one change is allowed from spinnaker to non-spinnaker or vice versa. The entry fee for each race is $35 except for the fourth race, which is $45 and includes hospitality at DRYC’s Cat Harbor facility, Schultz’s Landing. The deadline to enter this race is April 28 at 6 p.m. Sailing instructions and starting sequence will be posted on April 25 at 6 p.m. For more information or to sign up for the series, see https://bit.ly/3J8JGqr.
Cinco de Mayo Regatta (April 30-May 1)
SANTA BARBARA⸺ The Santa Barbara Sailing Club will host the Cinco de Mayo Regatta from April 30-May 1 off the breakwater of Santa Barbara. The regatta will follow The Racing Rules of Sailing and is open to all boats in a one design or PHRF class. Participants must be current members in good standing with their respective class and members of a recognized sailing or yacht club associated with the Southern California Yachting Association. Participants must register by April 30 at 10 a.m.; entry fees are based on the size of the crew and will increase by $5 after April 18. Members of US Sailing are eligible for a $5 discount after providing a valid US Sailing Number. Courses are windward-leeward. Other variations will be provided in the sailing instructions. For more information, see the Notice of Race at: https://www.regattanetwork.com/clubmgmt/regatta_uploads/24370/CincodeMayoNOR2022.pdf or contact [email protected].