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U.S. teacher rows solo across Atlantic in record time

LONDON (AP) — A high school science teacher from Cincinnati, Ohio, has rowed solo across the Atlantic, setting a record for a west-to-east crossing. Bryce Carlson arrived at St. Mary

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Officials: Whales, after deadly year, could become extinct

PORTLAND, Maine (AP) — Officials with the federal government say it’s time to consider the possibility that endangered right whales could become extinct unless new steps are taken to protect

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Rescuers save entangled whale off of Cape Cod

PROVINCETOWN, Massachusetts (AP) ― A Massachusetts marine science center says it has disentangled a humpback whale off of Cape Cod. The Center for Coastal Studies says its Marine Animal Entanglement

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‘Queen Mary 2’ rescues sailor from Atlantic

LONDON (LOG NEWS SERVICE) — The cruise liner Queen Mary 2 rescued a sailor taking part in a trans-Atlantic yacht race after several vessels were damaged in rough seas. The