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Captain Pat Rains

El Reporte

Ham Radio for Cruising Mexico?

My husband John and I had a book-sales booth at a West Coast boat show, and we were scheduled to give a seminar called Ham Radio for Cruising Mexico. That

El Reporte

South-Wind Shelters around the Sea of Cortez

Early July is a good time for Mexico cruisers to pick out a string of anchorages that provide overnight shelter in south-wind conditions. Why? Because, as a rule of thumb,

El Reporte

Lower Sea of Cortez Options for Summering Over

Last issue we transited the tricky Gulf of Tehuantepec to reach safe summer harbors south of the hurricane-genesis zone. This time, let’s explore some options for where to summering over


Hopping from Mag Bay to Los Cabos

Fall is in the air, so a couple thousand of you adventurous recreational boaters are making plans to visit Mexico’s wonderful cruising grounds. This includes not only the Baja Ha


Mexico Report: Do You Know the Way to Mag Bay?

Last time, we cruised down the Baja coast from Ensenada to Turtle Bay, noting a few landmarks, navigational hazards to avoid and six anchorages to keep in mind for different

Letters/Online Comments

Community Q&A

RE: Community Q&A (July 22-Aug. 4)  Question: Just looking for a safe Marina in Mexico to take my 2013 52-foot SEARAY. Any suggestions? Gregg Ritola  Answer: When it comes to