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Baja Southbound

Sailing Supply/Downwind Marine hosts great speaker Capt. Pat Rains, USCG Master, Author & Publisher, Point Loma Publishing. Topic: Baja Southbound: What to Avoid, What to Savor plus Q&A on her books,

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Using Current Nautical Charts

Sailing Supply/Downwind Marine hosts great speaker Capt. Ann Kinner, Veteran Cruiser, USCG Master & Owner, SeaBreeze Nautical Books and Charts. Topic: Update on Using Current Nautical Charts – plus Review of the Newest

TowBoatUS Dana Point

TowBoatUS Dana Point has a new captain

Capt. Scott McClung was announced as the new owner of TowBoatUS Dana Point, according to a released statement from BoatUS. The boating service services the south Orange County and north

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Piloting Course

The San Diego Sail and Power Squadron will be holding a piloting course starting May 25 through August 24. Class will cover the basics of coastal and inland navigation, the

Illegal Charters

Coast Guard continues to take aim at illegal charters

SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA — Boaters in San Diego, Orange County and Los Angeles beware: the feds are cracking down on unauthorized passenger-for-hire activities in local waters. If you own a recreational

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News Briefs

Polynesian canoe crew finds way to remote Easter Island

HONOLULU, Hawaii (AP) ― The Polynesian voyaging canoe, sailing around the world without modern navigation equipment, has found its way to Easter Island. The crew of the Hokulea arrived on