Catalina Island Boater Resources
Boater Services Shoreboat Service Avalon: VHF Ch. 9 $4 per person for in harbor, $5 per person from Hamilton and Descanso Summer hours: 7 a.m.-12 a.m. Sunday through Thursday 7
Boater Services Shoreboat Service Avalon: VHF Ch. 9 $4 per person for in harbor, $5 per person from Hamilton and Descanso Summer hours: 7 a.m.-12 a.m. Sunday through Thursday 7
Kids Fishing Derby, Every Wednesday through Aug. 18 Kids ages 3 to 16 are invited to participate in a weekly fishing derby on Green Pleasure Pier from 7 to 9
AVALON—Whether you’re a first-time visitor, like myself, a seasoned visitor who enjoys the island from aboard your vessel, or a local, the island has plenty to offer and after more
AVALON— Empty streets have started to bloom back to life and longer boarding lines have begun to form for the cross-channel carriers, promising signs for a busy summer season on
TWO HARBORS—Boaters were allowed to access moorings at Catalina Island’s Two Harbors area as of May 14, it was announced. The moorings became available as of 7 a.m., on a
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