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News & Departments

Calendar Events at Channel Islands Harbor

32nd Annual Central Coast British Car Club Show On Oct. 1 from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., the Central Coast British Car Club will host the 32nd Annual CentrakCoast British

Log Abroad

The Log Visits Scotland

“Gary and Andi Solt, from Port Hueneme, took The Log up the high road to the Bonny, Bonny shores of Loch Lomond, on a recent trip to Scotland,” said Gary


Sea Summer Concert Series

CHANNEL ISLANDS⸺ Channel Islands Harbor announced the dates for their summer concert series. The series will start July 9 and run every Saturday through Sept. 3 from 4-6 p.m. in

News & Departments

Channel Islands Harbor Holds Meeting for PWP Amendment

CHANNEL ISLANDS- The Channel Islands Harbor will hold a meeting on June 10 to address amendments to the harbor’s Public Works Plan; the proposed amendments would adjust the distribution of