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Channel Islands Yacht Club


On the Horizon

2023 Butler Cup (Nov. 3-5) LONG BEACH— The Long Beach Yacht Club will host the 2023 Butler Cip from Nov. 3-5. Registration and practice will take place Nov. 3, and

On the Horizons

On the Horizons

Channel Islands to Marina del Rey Race (Sept. 24) CHANNEL ISLANDS— The Channel Islands Yacht Club and the Del Rey Yacht Club are teaming up to host the Channel Islands


On the Horizons

92nd Annual SCYA Midwinter Regatta with Dana West Yacht Club (Feb. 12)   DANA POINT一 The Dana West Yacht Club is hosting the 92 Annual SCYA Midwinter Regatta just outside

Channel Islands Harbor Fisherman's Wharf

Oxnard residents protest Fisherman’s Wharf project

OXNARD, Calif. — A planned development on Channel Islands Harbor in Oxnard was at the heart of an Oct. 29 protest by local residents, according to news report. Ventura County’s