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charity event

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Ocean Awareness Challenge

The 2nd annual Ocean Awareness Challenge is taking place at the Festival of Arts grounds in Laguna Beach with dinner, music and an IMAX film on humpback whales. Guest speakers

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The 16th annual Sailathon is happening in Pierpont Bay off the Ventura Pier on Sunday, Oct. 23. The event is open to all watercraft (from paddles to sails to motors)

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BCYC Leukemia Cup Golf Tournament

This golf tournament hosted by the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club is a 2017 Leukemia Cup Fundraising Event. Location: Oak Creek Golf Course, One Golf Club Dr., Irvine, California 92618. To

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Annual Angler’s Bottom-Fishing Tournament

Southwestern Yacht Club’s 47th Annual Angler’s Bottom-Fishing Tournament is a day of fishing for children and adults followed by a fish fry, tournament awards banquet and drawings for prizes. Fishing

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Beacon of Light Reception

Southwestern Yacht Club’s second Benefit on the Bay event is the Beacon of Light Reception. This reception will have food, cocktails, music, wine raffle games and a silent auction. Proceeds