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fall-run chinook salmon

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News & Departments

CDFW Completes Release of 23 Million Fall-Run Chinook Salmon

The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) announced it has completed the release of approximately 23 million fall-run Chinook salmon raised at its four Central Valley anadromous fish hatcheries,

Fish Rap

Fall Chinook Salmon Quota Met in Lower Klamath River

KLAMATH RIVER一 The California Department of Fish and Wildlife predicted that anglers will have met the fall chinook salmon quota for the lower Klamath River as of Sept. 7, marking

Salmon Trucking

CDFW to Truck Salmon from Fisheries to the Ocean

NORTHERN, CALIFORNIA一 On April 28 the California Department of Fish and Wildlife announced that they were “taking the proactive measure” by trucking millions of hatchery-raised salmon to several ocean release