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California Yacht Club wins 2019 LEMWOD

LONG BEACH—The 28th iteration of Linda Elias Memorial Women’s Once Design (LEMWOD) challenge was decided by a mere two points, as California Yacht Club’s Allie Blecher edged out Liz Hjorth

Long Beach Yacht Club LEMWOD Challenge

Long Beach YC team wins the LEMWOD Challenge

LONG BEACH ― The Long Beach Yacht Club team, skippered by both Lisa Meier and Wendy Corzine with their all-female crew, won the 26th annual Linda Elias Memorial Women’s One-Design

Rolex Farr 40 World Championship 2009

Farr 40 Sailing Class announces 2018 racing schedule

ANNAPOLIS, Maryland — The 2018 international schedule of the Farr 40 Sailing Class will officially kick off in Southern California as Cabrillo Beach Yacht Club in San Pedro and nearby

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Butler Cup

The Butler Cup will be hosted by Long Beach Yacht Club. Location: LBYC, 6201 Appian Way, Long Beach. Phone number: 562-598-9401. Club information: Online registration:


Changes in store for 2018 season of Pac52 Class

STATEWIDE — Short “Coastal Races” and Windward/Leeward Buoy Racing format will be new features of the 2018 Pac52 Class season, it was recently announced. The new format would help simplify