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Newport Beach City Council

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Newport Beach City Council Waives Business License Fee

NEWPORT BEACH一 In their March 23 meeting the Newport Beach City Council unanimously voted to pass a waiver for the annual business license for businesses affected by COVID-19. “We did

Newport Beach Duffy

Duffield pleads for protection of Newport Beach Harbor

NEWPORT BEACH—Marshall “Duffy” Duffield, the Newport Beach City Council member known for creating those nifty electric boats darting around Southern California’s harbors, penned an op-ed calling for greater local control

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Letters/Online Comments

Letters/Online Comments

Re: Poachers attack Sea Shepherd within vaquita refuge (issue Jan. 25-Feb. 7) The Sea of Cortez: Overfished and Dying? Sea Shepherd is only there to harvest some press coverage –

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Newport Beach City Council election is officially over

A final recount of Newport Beach’s third district election is over, with Council member Marshall “Duffy” Duffield affirmed as the race’s winner. Duffield, the incumbent, edged out candidate Tim Stoaks