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Oceanside Harbor

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News & Departments

Oceanside Launches gO’side Electric Shuttle Pilot Program

OCEANSIDE⸺ On June 13, the city of Oceanside launched an electric vehicle shuttle pilot program in Downton Oceanside. The “gO’sde” is a five-passenger electric shuttle that will run from 10


Oceanside Harbor Announces Plans for Love Lock Sculpture

OCEANSIDE一 At their Jan. 26 meeting, the Oceanside City Council approved Love the O, an interactive sculpture proposal set to be placed between Oceanside Harbor and Harbor Beach. The interactive

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Letters/Online Comments

Community Letters

RE: Blips on the Radar: Dana Point Harbor (Oct. 1- 14) “On top of that, I’m told I’ll be moved after waiting for 18 years on a list to get

Oceanside Fish Market

Oceanside fishermen urge city to create a fish market

OCEANSIDE—Open-air seafood markets, like farmer’s markets, appear to be gaining in popularity. It’s not unusual for San Diego area consumers to wake up at the crack of dawn on a

Oceanside Fish Market

Fish market could be on deck for Oceanside Harbor

OCEANSIDE—The economic fallout of the Covid-19 pandemic has been widespread, the ripple effects spreading to just about every industry in the world. There has been no shortage of news stories