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Orca: The (Brief) Tale of a Famous Lobster Boat

NEW ENGLAND—Spoiler alert: the 25-foot behemoth of a shark in “Jaws” dies at the end of the film – but not before it destroyed Orca, the small fishing boat attempting

Bigg's or transient killer whale pod

Boaters Beware: “See a blow, go slow!”

SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ― Autumn is known for fall festivals and costume parties, but is it known for whales frolicking in our local ocean? A pod of 10 killer whales were

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NOSA’s 14 Mile Bank Race final event of 2017

NEWPORT BEACH — The final Newport Ocean Sailing Association (NOSA) race for 2017 comes to Balboa Yacht Club on Sept. 30, as sailors will take the helm in the upcoming