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the Log Mexico report

El Reporte

Summer Boating (Hiding Out) in the Upper Sea of Cortez

Boaters throughout Mexico’s cruising grounds are now considering where to locate themselves for 2023’s fast approaching hurricane season, especially since NOAA recently announced the 62 percent possibility of El Nino


Time to Transit the Gulf of Tehuantepec?

Spring has sprung, and summer is approaching, so boaters throughout Mexico are discussing where they will spend hurricane season 2023. This column will discuss each of the most likely choices


Seeking Shelter from Screaming Blue Northers

“March winds blow” isn’t just a whimsical adage like April showers and May flowers. But, for springtime boaters in Mexican waters, it’s the key to route planning. Here’s why. During


Carnival ’23 Draws Boaters to La Paz and Mazatlan

La Paz and Mazatlan will host Carnival celebrations, Feb. 16 – 21, and boaters at anchor can get free front-row seats to dazzling parades, fireworks, bands and parties. Within La


Mexico Report

As the year 2023 awakens across Mexico’s 3,500 nautical miles of Pacific coastlines, here are four brief items of interest to U.S. recreational boaters, cruisers, and fishing folk. Gonzaga Update: Shore


La Paz: Cruisers’ Gateway to the Sea of Cortez

In my previous column, we started from Los Cabos and poked into 11 good little cruising spots while rounding the bulge of Baja’s East Cape region. Then transited the San


Los Cabos to La Paz: Do You Know the Way?

Last time we hopped from Mag Bay non-stop down to Los Cabos. So, this time, let’s slow down and check out eight interesting sights and stops as we cruise around


Hopping from Mag Bay to Los Cabos

Fall is in the air, so a couple thousand of you adventurous recreational boaters are making plans to visit Mexico’s wonderful cruising grounds. This includes not only the Baja Ha