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the Log Mexico report


Mexico Report: Do You Know the Way to Mag Bay?

Last time, we cruised down the Baja coast from Ensenada to Turtle Bay, noting a few landmarks, navigational hazards to avoid and six anchorages to keep in mind for different

Fish Rap

Mexico Report: Do you know the way to Turtle Bay?

Right now, several hundred U.S. boat owners (power and sail) are preparing themselves and their vessels to leap off from Southern California this fall, to bounce their way down Baja


Mexico Report: How to get weather from floating hams

Many places along Pacific Mexico’s beautiful 3,400-nautical mile coastline have absolutely zero cell-phone coverage, and lots of popular cruising ports still have no internet, this is surprising for a lot


Former Prison Island to Open for Tourists in April

MEXICO⸺ The Islas Marias has a scary past for boaters. Recreational boaters in the past reported being shot at when they strayed too close to the Islas Marias prison colony.