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The Log tightlines

Fish Rap

2022 Introduces New Rock Fish Regulations

CALIFORNIA—The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) announced several changes to recreational rockfish sub-bag limits, which took effect on Jan. 6.   The regulations’ importance was considered and adopted

Fish Rap

Ocean Salmon Season Closes Oct. 31

CALIFORNIA一 The last day of recreational ocean salmon season from the 40▫,10’ Line to Pigeon Point is Oct. 31; this also marks the end of the recreational ocean salmon season

Fish Rap

United States Senate Passes Bill Banning Drift Gillnets

NATIONWIDE一 The U.S. Senate unanimously voted to pass the Driftnet Modernization and Bycatch Reduction Act on Sept. 14. The bill will phase out the use of large-mesh drift gillnets in

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Fish Rap

Recreational Spiny Lobster Season Opens on Oct. 2

CALIFORNIA一 Recreational spiny lobster season will open on Oct. 2 at 6 a.m. and will continue through March 16, 2022. Regulations prohibit taking lobster before 6 a.m. including baiting your