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Mexico says only 22 vaquita porpoises remain

MEXICO CITY (AP)—Experts said only 22 vaquitas remain in the Gulf of California, where a grim, increasingly violent battle is playing out between emboldened fishermen and the last line of

Sea Shepherd

Poachers attack Sea Shepherd within vaquita refuge

SEA OF CORTEZ—An attempt to patrol possible illegal fishing activities in the upper stretches of the Sea of Cortez turned into a tense standoff involving poachers, nonprofit marine conservationists and

Vaquita Campaign

Aquariums launch postcard campaign to help save vaquita

LONG BEACH — A collaborative effort is underway at aquariums and zoos across the United States to send Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador a message: continue efforts and initiatives


Scientists observe vaquitas in Gulf of California

BAJA CALIFORNIA, Mexico — It was a hopeful day on the water when a group of scientists possibly spotted and observed at least six vaquitas while on a research expedition