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June 16, 2022


Sailing 101: Make A List and Check it Twice

A checklist is an efficient way to record and track required items, things to be done, points to consider, or remember items and tasks. When setting sail, it is important

Fish Rap

CDFW Salmon monitoring Program is Asking Anglers for Help

On May 20, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) announced its Ocean Salmon Monitoring Program was underway. Each year, CDFW staff and affiliated contracted employees monitor marine docks


A New Baby Exhibit? Get Otter Here!

LONG BEACH⸺ On May 27, The Aquarium of the Pacific opened a new exhibit called Babies! the new exhibit features juvenile sea creatures, including baby clown fish and sea otters, and the


Sergio Davi Completes Transoceanic Journey

SAN PEDRO- On May 23, Italian seafarer, Captain Sergio Davì arrived in San Pedro after conquering the Ocean-to-Ocean RIB Adventure, this is the first time a Rigid Inflatable Boat (RIB)