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September 21, 2023

News & Departments

Mexican Hurricane Preparations

Historically, mid to late September has been the peak of hurricane frequency in Mexican waters, at least according to the Pilot Charts. Late season hurricanes tend to curve back toward

News & Departments

Fishing the Oyster Bar

Grab your friends and hit the oyster bar for a good time. But not the oyster bar you’re thinking of. “Fishing an oyster bar” is a phrase commonly used in

News & Departments

What Bad Weather Means for Fishing

SOUTHERN CALIF.— Hurricane Hilary stirred up waves last month as it churned off the west coast of Mexico and moved toward Southern California. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric

Fish Rap

Respect the Fish — Handling your catch with care

Fishing etiquette refers to unwritten rules and guidelines that anglers should follow to ensure a respectful and responsible fishing experience for themselves and others. Practicing good fishing etiquette enhances the

News & Departments

Bleeding A Diesel Engine

You must have this skill in your mental toolbox before you can rely on a diesel inboard Despite all my years of boating, I’m still surprised at the air of