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October 5, 2018

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Mexico Boater Resources

Boat Launch Ramps Ensenada: Marina Coral, 800-862-9020 La Jolla Beach Camp (near Punta Banda) Estero Beach Resort Ramp, 011-52-617-66225 or 66230 New Puerto Salina Ramp, 888-772-5462 Cabo San Lucas: Marina

Outdoor Recreation Bill

Office of Sustainable Outdoor Recreation vetoed by Gov. Brown

SACRAMENTO — A proposal to develop a new governmental office to promote kayaking, fishing and other outdoor recreational activities was squashed by California’s governor on Sept. 17, as Assembly Bill

Climate Change

Climate adaptation strategy bill signed into law

Gov. Jerry Brown signed Assembly Bill 2528 into law; the new measure would allow state officials to identify, study and better understand habitat resilient areas – particularly ecosystems directly affected