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On the Horizons

2022 William Berger and William Stein Race 1 Malibu and Return (Jan. 8, 2022)


MARINA DEL REY一 The Del Rey Yacht Club is hosting the first race in the William Berger and William Stein Series on Jan. 8. The Malibu and Return Race is the first in a series of five races throughout 2022. The race will begin at 11:55 a.m. in Santa Monica Bay. The regatta is open to boats with a valid PHRF of Southern California rating certificate. There will be two divisions, the Berger (PHRF) and Stein (cruising class), the organizing authority retains the right to reassign a boat into another class. A $35 entry fee is due by 6 p.m. the Thursday before the race, and a $15 late entry fee will be added to the fee for entries submitted after Jan. 6. To learn more about the series or submit an application, see the Regatta Network website at




Turnbuckle Tightener (Jan. 15, 2022)


LONG BEACH一 The Alamitos Bay Yacht Club will host the Turnbuckle Tightener on Jan. 15, 2022, in Alamitos Bay and Long Beach Outer Harbor. The regatta will be ruled by the Racing Rules of Sailing and is open to the following classes:

  • Ocean Course Classes: 29er, 5-0-5, A-Cat, C420, Cal 20, Etchells, Finn, Formula 18, Hobie 16, I420, ILCA 7 (Laser), ILCA 6 (Radial), ILCA 4 (4.7), Open Skiff (Ocean), Optimist, Portsmouth (monohull and multihull), Tempest, Thistle, and Viper 640.
  • Bay Course Classes: Lido 14 (A, B), Naples Sabot (Senior, Junior A, B, C1, C2, C3), Optimist (Green), Open Skiff (Bay), and RS Tera (Bay).
  • Additional One-Design classes will be accepted at the discretion of the Regatta Chair based on the number of entries.

Skippers should be in good standing with a club affiliated with US Sailing or other World Sailing national authorities. Entries will be accepted until 4 p.m. the Friday before the race and can be submitted online at There is a $20 fee for bay classes and $30 for ocean classes. Registration will open at 8 a.m. on Jan. 15, and the first signal will sound at 11:57 a.m. For more information, visit the Regatta Network website at

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