NAUSET BEACH, Mass. 一 On Aug. 11 Fox News reported that an angler on the beach in Massachusetts caught a great white shark that was trying to snag a fish
FORT LAUDERDALE, Florida—A group of fishermen rang in the New Year with quite a catch off the coast of South Florida. WSVN reports a group of tourists on a charter
HONOLULU (AP)—Divers monitoring tiger sharks feeding on a decomposing sperm whale off the coast of Oahu were surprised by a great white shark, a rare sighting in Hawai’i waters. The
SAN DIEGO (AP)—DNA testing has revealed the shark that attacked a 13-year-old boy last month off a Southern California shore was a great white, according to a report. Scientists gathered the shark’s
SAN CLEMENTE, California (AP) — Passengers and crew aboard a private fishing charter were shocked to watch a massive great white shark feeding on a gray whale carcass off the
What Happened: The Santa Barbara Harbor Commission cancelled its December meeting, it was announced Dec. 1; the meeting was originally scheduled for Dec. 21. Great white shark predation trends, Parade
Re: Redondo Beach changes course on boat launch ramp plans (June 30-July 13 issue) Launch ramp did exist in King Harbor I’m old enough to correct the last sentence in
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