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December 29, 2021

Fish Rap

Bluefin Tuna and Swordfish Were Biting Ahead of Recent Storm

SAN DIEGO一 Southern California offshore anglers were enjoying good weather and good fishing for bluefin tuna and swordfish heading into a powerful northern weather system that moved through Southern California


Balboa Yacht Club Celebrates Centennial Year

NEWPORT BEACH一 The Balboa Yacht Club holds to the motto “A pound of pluck is worth a ton of luck,” a saying that has followed the club from its beginning

Fish Rap

A Big Loss for Illegal Fishing is a Big Win for Tropical Tuna

UNITED STATES—On Dec. 6, the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration announced that the United States won new conservation measures for the Pacific tuna and will support inspections to hinder illegal fishing.


Updates to the Ammunition Pier Project

SEAL BEACH— On Nov. 30, the Naval Weapons Station in Seal Beach announced a pile-driving campaign set to begin on Dec. 1 as part of the Navy’s project to replace