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South Bay Racing and Del Rey Yacht Club Host Hands-On Introduction to Yacht Racing

MARINA DEL REY— South Bay Yacht Racing and Del Rey Yacht Club have partnered again to bring Introduction to Yacht Racing (IYR) to Marina del Rey. The event will be held on March 18, allowing people to try yacht racing without being a yacht club member or committing to extensive, expensive sailing lessons. No experience is required, and sailors with experience are also welcome. After the event, those interested in racing this season will be assisted in joining a racing crew and invited to future sailing occasions.


The entire day costs just $30 and is an 18-and-over event. Information and required advance registration can be found at 


Over the last 12 years, IYR has helped hundreds of people to try out yacht racing. The event gets people past the yacht clubs’ “Members Only” signs and onto a boat in one day. Experienced skippers and sailors teach the new people basics of how a sailboat works and what it takes to be a crew member. Then, the new crew members are given hands-on experience in small groups aboard boats that actively race in the marina’s numerous events throughout the season.


The day starts with a basic orientation about sailing while emphasizing safety. Then, the group, which usually totals 50 participants, is broken into small groups and rotated among boats for instruction. Aboard different types of boats, participants are shown the essential equipment and how it’s properly used.


The group is given lunch at midday while learning basic racing rules and procedures, including how races are started and managed. Next, the small groups are assigned to boats, after which they will go on the water and practice boat handling. All boats then participate in a mock race around the marina.


At the end of the day, the group reassembles to debrief and answer questions. Those who want to get aboard a racing boat as a regular crew for the season may sign up to meet boat owners. Additional resources are provided to help new people learn more about how sails work, basic rules, racing tactics, etc., to become fully-fledged boat racers.


For more information about SBYRC, please visit

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