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Can Avalon squeeze in more dinghy docks?

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Re: Fate of Avalon’s shoreboat service still undetermined (Aug. 12 issue). I’m not sure what the answer is but I do know that some sort of shoreboat service is necessary. I don’t think I need to tell anybody how packed the dingy docks are in the summertime. There are also a lot of people that do have their own dingies but prefer to use the shoreboat when they come ashore in the evenings for dinner because they don’t want to walk into one of the dinner houses with a wet bottom or plan on doing some serious drinking and don’t want to take a chance of getting a BUI. How many more dingy docks is the city planning on putting in to accommodate the extra dinghies needed to get people ashore? And where? How about the larger tenders for the bigger boats? I just don’t know where all the individual dinghies are going to tie up. Just thought I’d toss in my 2 cents.

Renee Pantoja

Boating Center needs to provide access to boating

Re: Channel Islands Boating Center under pressure to be more accessible (Aug. 12 issue). I have a boat docked right by the Boating Center. I’m retired and on the dock very often. I can’t even recall seeing any activity at the center, it seems always empty, or perhaps I just haven’t noticed. The facility seems a massive waste of a great resource. Another thing I’ve often heard many people say over the years is that many children in Oxnard have never been to the beach or harbor. How is that possible? And what can we do about it?

Daniel Jordan

All boat operators should take boating courses

Re: Countdown to the Vessels Operator Card still taking shape (July 29 issue). Those of you that moan and groan about this program, should sit on the back of my boat with me on any given weekend and see some of the stupid things that boaters do on the water. I am a retired police officer and have taken many boating courses. I am at present a Division Commander in the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary and I firmly believe that everyone that wants to operate a boat should go through a Boating Safety Course given either by the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary or the U.S. Power Squadron in a classroom not just take an online course. No one should be exempt from taking the course and getting a Vessel Operator Card.

Bill Kopenski

Job opening

Re: Fate of Avalon’s shoreboat service still undetermined (Aug. 12 issue). Might be an opportunity for teens to make some money. Years ago our daughter used to take our dinghy and offer rides to boaters not specifying a fee but was always given a few dollars. Great fun for her.

Arnold Rowe

So long, Cali!

Re: Countdown to the Vessels Operator Card still taking shape (July 29 issue). That’s why I left California. You have 60 days before you need to give the government money which is way too long to be there.

Richard Wilmer

Exceptions should not be made for races

Re: Countdown to the Vessels Operator Card still taking shape (July 29 issue). Using common sense logic, it seems that for safety here they shouldn’t have an exception for “Vessel operation in an organized regatta, vessel race, or water ski race!” These are just accidents waiting to happen in racing situations!

Ty Williams

Simplifying a complex topic

Re: Being square with Uncle Sam: Taxes, fees and your boat (Aug. 12 issue). Great story! Thanks for Mr. Rohit’s deep look into a topic that boaters may not always understand. Another concern is the deduction allowed for interest on a boat loan. In 1984, BoatUS first argued that recreational boats should be treated under the tax code the same way as second homes and recreational vehicles, convincing Congress to retain the IRS interest deduction for boat loans. Over the years, the issue has risen again but with boat owners speaking up, we’ve been able to stop such legislation.

Thanks again, Mr. Rohit!

Scott Croft

VP Public Affairs, BoatUS

Rental crafts should be included in VOC

Re: Countdown to the Vessels Operator Card still taking shape (July 29 issue). The exception to the VOC planned for anyone operating a rental vessel is absolutely ridiculous and misses the intent of the law entirely. Spend a summer Sunday navigating Newport Beach or Marina del Rey harbors and you will know why.

Capt. S. McDonald

Another shoreboat option

Re: Fate of Avalon’s shoreboat service still undetermined (Aug. 12 issue). Why not use uncertified boats and limit carriage to six passengers? They would surely be cheaper. Most times the existing service doesn’t carry more than six at a time anyway. Could even use existing harbormaster boats with some extra seats added.

Roger Philips

Education should be required for boat rentals

Re: Countdown to the Vessels Operator Card still taking shape (July 29 issue). The people that need the education most are exempt (rental boats). This is just another way to “tax the rich” and hire more state employees. We need this just like we need more Democrats in office. Another government program.


From Our Facebook Page

Standing room only

The Log: Jam packed meeting in Redondo Beach right now as the Harbor Commission deliberates the Waterfront redevelopment project (posted Aug. 8).

Sara Burns: If City Hall is operating as usual, they will have reserved the two front rows for the shopping center developer’s staff and paid advocates while the residents the city is paid to serve get what’s left over….and outside.

*Letters edited for clarity and brevity.

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