CALIFORNIA- The California Clean Boating Network will host a free, exciting, and virtual educational meeting for boaters on Nov. 4, from 10 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.
Experts will discuss top-tier subjects about the impact on California waterways and the importance of monitoring sewage pump-outs and how it impacts boaters statewide.
Other event topics will include microplastics management in California, getting clear on the California Surrendered and Abandoned Vessel Exchange program, and discussing common misconceptions of frequently asked questions from the public.
In addition, the meeting will teach and inform boaters about the Shelter Island Yacht Basin Dissolved Copper Total Maximum Daily Load initiated because of copper-based anti-fouling paints. The session will also address how the Port of San Diego has implemented creative approaches to reducing copper loading through its Copper Reduction Programs.
To attend the meeting, it is recommended that you register in advance at, but you can try to register the day of, however the meeting will have limited availability.
More details about the goals, plans, and facts of this meeting’s agenda can be found at