SAN DIEGO— The boating season in San Diego never really ends for enthusiastic boaters, which means more wear and tear on your vessel. The Coast Guard Auxiliary (CGAUX) has released its early 2022 dates for vessel safety inspections. So, whether you’re a year-round boater or seasonal, safety checks for your boat are a preventative measure that benefits all.
The CGAUX is available year-round to provide safety guidance and vessel safety checks to owners wishing to update their Vessel Safety Check decals for 2022.
Safety checks are essential for the longevity of your boat, but also make sure everything is in order, so it doesn’t malfunction and possibly hurt you or others.
The CGAUX is now scheduling weekends to visit marinas around Mission Bay and is spreading the word to find those interested in scheduling a Vessel Safety Check Day for a fleet or group of slip users.
The current available dates are:
May 14-15, 28-29
June 11-12, 25-26
Email [email protected] and express your primary and secondary dates for vessel safety checks if interested in scheduling. The CGAUX will have dates for July-October available later in the spring.