LOS ANGELES — The March 2017 primary election came and went with little to no fanfare for Los Angeles’s NIMBYs. Those city residents who believed Los Angeles was biting off more than it could chew when it came redeveloping major swaths of communities and neighborhoods were unsuccessful in getting local...
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In relation to the current article about the LA Waterfront being a boondoggle or not– I will tell you my family has returned to the La Harbor area from Long Beach harbor for boating-
Now there are visiting boater docks at the Downtown Marina… we stop, get out and visit the USS Iowa, the local restaurants and shops, even walk down to West Marine for supplies–
We can’t wait for the revitalization of Ports O Call. We have communicated the new enhancements to our friends in our boating organization and take friends and family out who are surprised to find there is so much to do in what every considers a commercial harbor.
The local marinas all offer daily, weekend or weekly slip rentals for a quick get away without the cost of the gas and hotels as well as the two hour open ocean trek across the channel to Catalina.
Lately I hear there is even consideration being given to another launch ramp in the LA Harbor area to augment the Cabrillo ramp!
Everyone I have spoken with in the boating community support the City and their efforts in the port to enhance the private boaters experience– keep the improvements coming.