The Port of San Diego is seeking public input on its updated Trust Lands Use Plan (TLUP) for approximately 8,000 acres of newly granted tidelands and submerged lands. As part of this process, the Port has also prepared a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Both draft documents are available for a 30-day public review period, ending at 5:00 PM on Friday, March 27, 2025.
“The Port of San Diego welcomes community participation in shaping the future of these tidelands,” said Chair Danielle Moore of the Board of Port Commissioners. “We remain committed to engaging with the public to support diverse uses and enhance opportunities around San Diego Bay.”
The TLUP covers 7,900 acres of water and 100 acres of land within San Diego Bay and will guide future development in compliance with the Port’s mission, the Port Act, and the Coastal Act. The MND evaluates potential environmental impacts, including air quality, biological and cultural resources, water quality, and public services, concluding that impacts will remain less than significant with mitigation measures in place.
The draft TLUP and MND are available for public review at the San Diego Unified Port District Office (3165 Pacific Highway, San Diego, CA), as well as online. Comments can be submitted via email at [email protected] or by mail to:
San Diego Unified Port District
Attn: Dennis Campbell, Planning Department
P.O. Box 120488, San Diego, CA 92112-0488
After the public review period ends, the Port will address comments, revise the documents as needed, and seek approval from the Board of Port Commissioners. Following approval, the plan will undergo certification by the California Coastal Commission (CCC) before final State Lands Commission approval in 2026. The Port will continue stakeholder engagement and public outreach throughout the process.