UNITED KINGDOM — Cool Route project, a logistics and business potential study funded by Europe and led by Cork Institute of Technology, aspires to establish a bi-directional yacht cruising route along the Northern Periphery Area, which encompasses Southern and Northern Ireland as well as Western Scotland all the way up to the Faroe Islands and Norway.
Project objectives that will be analyzed and studied include the desire to strengthen a customer base in remote communities, develop a yacht course that will attract high-end customers, and create a cultural experience for boaters and vacationers with an array of fun activities such as walking tours, whale watching, tours, and more.
With high hopes for a superyacht tour that will create a unique, culture-based experience for its participants, Cool Route has goals to produce a detailed business and marketing plan that will bring this concept into reality.
Scotland is known to have $5 billion marine tourism industry, and part of this study hopes to aid other smaller-market regions in sharing some of the cash flow. Cool Route has provided small businesses with links to a free online platform where they can register to increase traffic to their ports. As the site develops, it will also provide browsers with the ability to see what destinations offer and view events in the area.
For more information and to see news updates about the project, view studies, and more, visit sailcoolroute.eu.