LONG BEACH — Plans to modify the large breakwater off the Long Beach coast could shift from complete removal of the 2.2-mile stretch of aquatic infrastructure to keeping the offshore string of rocks in place, according to those familiar with the situation.
A member of Surfrider Foundation’s Long Beach Chapter confirmed...
2 Responses
The fate of the Breakwater will be determined by the Money that drives the politics. It is and never will be about what is the Right thing to do to make our beaches better. It will come down to Who will pay for it and Who will it affect the most in terms of real estate values. It always comes down to the Money … sad but true.
Surfers have many miles of coastline to enjoy their love. The Long Beach Breakwater provides a unique protected ocean experience for small boaters and small sailboats to enjoy. There is nothing else like it on the entire California and Oregon coasts. Furthermore as was explained in detail by a man who has been diving the breakwater for decades at the public meeting the Corp had on this issue back in 2016, the Long Beach Breakwater is now habitat to an amazing variety of fish and sea creatures in addition to a nesting and resting area for birds. It is near pure selfishness for the Surfrider community to try to take away something so special that serves so many when they have so many options here in So Cal and up and down the coast.