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John Miller Maui Diamond

In Memoriam: Edward “John” Miller

LONG BEACH — Edward (John) Miller – crewmember in sailing competitions, owner of marine shops, builder of his own boats, and senior member of Long Beach Yacht Club – died,

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Butler Cup

The Butler Cup will be hosted by Long Beach Yacht Club. Location: LBYC, 6201 Appian Way, Long Beach. Phone number: 562-598-9401. Club information: Online registration:

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Safety at Sea Seminar

Designed for sailors of all types and levels for a wide range of boats near shore and offshore. Curriculum is certified by US Sailing, with special attention to conditions and

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Introduction to Ham Radio

For all our cruisers getting read to head South, this is a do not miss session. Ham Radio communication is used worldwide with capabilities for both short range and long