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Two of a kind: 70 years between catches for Hank Hill, grandson

NEWPORT BEACH — The summer of 1946 was a hot one for the Hill family: A young Hank Hill caught a bat ray in front of his family home at Via Lido Soud on Lido Isle. About 70 years later his 15-year-old grandson, Matthew Mowery, caught and released his own bat ray (with a 20-pound test line) off a public dock in Newport Harbor.

Hank Hill poses with the stingray he caught in 1946. Photo courtesy of Mark Mowery
Hank Hill poses with the bat ray he caught in 1946.
Photo courtesy of Mark Mowery

Hill’s father, Ned, owned Ackerman Boat Works in 1938, a boat-building firm in Newport Beach (which is now Newport Harbor Shipyard). His mother, Dora, was the first female mayor of Newport Beach (1954-1958). A few years before his mother became mayor Hill began working at Boatswains Locker. He was 15 at the time. When Hill turned 18 he joined the U.S. Army; returning from the Navy in 1954 Hill became a partner at Boatswain’s Locker in 1957.

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