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March 10, 2012

Coast Guard Commandant Calls for New Ships

Coast Guard Commandant Calls for New Ships

Byline: Associated Press ALAMEDA (AP) — While calling for new ships, Adm. Robert J. Papp Jr., commandant of the Coast Guard, delivering his annual State of the Coast Guard address

Judi Gorski Is Balboa YC’s First Woman Commodore

Judi Gorski Is Balboa YC’s First Woman Commodore

Byline: The Log Staff NEWPORT BEACH — Balboa Yacht Club has experienced many changes since it began as “Southland Sailing Club” on Balboa Peninsula in 1922. A new name and location


Gerald Desmond Bridge Proposals Submitted

Byline: The Log Staff LONG BEACH — Three engineering and construction teams met the Port of Long Beach’s March 2 deadline for submitting proposals to design and build a new

San Diego’s Kissing Statue to Remain on Bay

San Diego’s Kissing Statue to Remain on Bay

Byline: Taylor Hill SAN DIEGO — Since 2007, a 25-foot foam statue dubbed “Unconditional Surrender” has been prominently displayed at San Diego’s Tuna Harbor, and it could be set to

Santa Monica Pier to Get Emergency Dock

Santa Monica Pier to Get Emergency Dock

Byline: Taylor Hill SANTA MONICA — The California Coastal Commission has approved a project to construct a gangway and dock alongside Santa Monica Pier, providing better emergency access for Harbor

Quickline Ultra Anchors Receive ABS Certification

Quickline Ultra Anchors Receive ABS Certification

Byline: The Log Staff HUNTINGTON BEACH — Quickline, a Huntington Beach-based importer and distributor of quality marine gear and accessory products, announced that it has received “Type Approval” certification of

Disney Wonder Leaving Port of L.A. for Miami

Disney Wonder Leaving Port of L.A. for Miami

Byline: Taylor Hill LOS ANGELES — Disney Cruise Line has announced the 2013 itinerary for its 964-foot ocean liner Disney Wonder, and the Port of Los Angeles is no longer