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August 14, 2012

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Pacific Cup Racer Michaela Draper to Speak Sept. 11

Byline: The Log Staff MARINA DEL REY — The Women’s Sailing Association (WSA) will welcome WSA member and Pacific Cup racer Michaela Draper as its September speaker of the month.

New Marina Approved for Ventura Harbor

New Marina Approved for Ventura Harbor

Byline: Taylor Hill VENTURA — Following the California Coastal Commission’s April approval of a major landside redevelopment project in Ventura Harbor, the commission met Aug. 8 and signed off on

Fame Sweeps Fleet in McNish Classic Yacht Race

Fame Sweeps Fleet in McNish Classic Yacht Race

Byline: Catherine French CHANNEL ISLANDS HARBOR — July 28 marked the 35th annual running of the McNish Classic Yacht Race, sponsored by Pacific Corinthian Yacht Club. Twenty-six wooden yachts started

Shoreline Marina Boaters Lock Up Their Outboards

Shoreline Marina Boaters Lock Up Their Outboards

Byline: Taylor Hill LONG BEACH — Shoreline Marina boaters should be on the lookout for suspicious activity around their docks, as police say a recent rash of thefts has taken

Plans for Wilmington Youth Sailing Center Released

Plans for Wilmington Youth Sailing Center Released

Byline: Taylor Hill WILMINGTON — The Los Angeles City Harbor Department released a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) for public review Aug. 1, showing plans for a youth sailing and aquatics