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July 24, 2013

Sailors to Share Circumnavigation Stories, Aug. 29

Sailors to Share Circumnavigation Stories, Aug. 29

Byline: The Log Staff MARINA DEL REY — Boaters dreaming about setting sail on a round-the-world cruise can learn from two cruisers who did just that, during California Yacht Club’s

Balboa Bay Club Celebrates 65th Anniversary

Balboa Bay Club Celebrates 65th Anniversary

Byline: Ambrosia Brody NEWPORT BEACH — Grass hula skirts and Hawaiian-theme drinks were all part of Balboa Bay Club’s 65th anniversary celebration that brought members out for a night of

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SF-to-Alcatraz Swimmers Reportedly Hid on Island

Byline: Associated Press SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — The Coast Guard said two men who swam all the way from San Francisco’s Aquatic Park to Alcatraz hid on the island while

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Fisherman Gets 230-pound Tuna, Despite Capsized Boat

Byline: Associated Press LIHUE, Hawaii (AP) — A 54-year-old fisherman is safe, after his 14-foot boat capsized as he was landing a 230-pound tuna in the ocean off Hawaii. The

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Underwater Camera Offers Surveillance Views of Sockeye

Byline: Associated Press/Mark Theissen ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) — Most of us have heard about the bear cams streaming live from Katmai National Park. But if bears aren’t your thing, you

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U.S. Admiral Cites Rise in Piracy on Gulf of Oman

Byline: Associated Press WASHINGTON, D.C. (AP) — The Navy’s top admiral said he is concerned by a recent rise in piracy in waters east of the Persian Gulf. Adm. Jonathan