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November 3, 2016

Mexico Boating
News & Departments

Mexico tourism association hosts TIP cancelation event

Boaters were allowed to cancel Temporary Import Permits (TIP) at the Mexican Consulate in Los Angeles on Oct. 28 and 29. Generally speaking the Mexican government has required boaters to

Lipton Cup

Newport Harbor Yacht Club Wins 2016 Lipton Cup

SAN DIEGO — The San Diego Yacht Club (SDYC) hosted the 102nd Challenge of the 2106 Lipton Cup. This sailing competition among 12 teams of yacht clubs occurred Oct. 28-30.

San Francisco passenger ferry
News & Departments

Hydrogen-powered passenger ferry proposed for San Francisco

Along with cars and planes, hydrogen power has the potential to make boat travel cleaner and quieter than possible with internal combustion power. The team at Sandia National Laboratories believes