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May 25, 2023

Catalina Connection

Catalina Island Faces Succulent Poaching Problem

CATALINA ISLAND— Catalina is home to many rare and protected species of both plants and animals. It is one of the Island’s unique attributes that makes it a special place

News & Departments

2022 Recreational Boating Statistics

During the National Boating Safety Advisory Committee (NBSAC)meeting on May 11, the U.S. Coast Guard released a summary of statistics on the calendar year 2022 recreational boating incidents, showing that

Catalina Connection

Annual Catalina Wine Mixer is Back on Catalina Island

CATALINA ISLAND — From June 2-3, the Catalina Island Company will host the Annual Catalina Wine Mixer made popular by the famous 2008 comedy Step Brothers. The event will take


Dog Friendly Businesses in the Ventura Harbor Village

VENTURA— The Ventura Harbor Village is very welcoming of four-legged friends. The next time you’re cruising the complex, you can bring your pup along for the stroll. Casa De Regalos