SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA — The Log’s readers, in recent months, have asked or submitted comments about passenger-for-hire vessels, where a boat owner navigates out to sea with a group of paying passengers aboard.
A passenger-for-hire operation comes with very specific requirements and consequences, according to maritime attorneys and the U.S. Coast Guard....
6 Responses
a UPV does not have to be US Built, a Marad waiver ($500) is available in most of the USA. The regulations for UPV operation are part of the CFR’s & US Codes that the CG uphold, I am a UPV examiner
Who do you report illegal charters to ?
Why is it so difficult to rent a boat out when uber, airplanes, airbnb and cars are so easy to rent out? Seems ridiculous with modern society.
If you think it’s easy to “rent” an airplane to carry a passenger for hire or to operate an airplane carrying a passenger for hire, I think you’re mistaken.
how do i register my boat as an OUPV vessel?
UPV Requirements. Do I need a license Or registration from USCG or Mass Registry of Motorboats to carry passengers. Vessel is equipped with all safety equipment, I have a Masters License, and insurance to carry passengers.