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Strictly Sail Long Beach Held

Strictly Sail Long Beach Held

Byline: Shane Scott LONG BEACH — Strictly Sail Long Beach, an all-sailboat show that runs through Oct. 27 at Shoreline Village at Rainbow Harbor, is rolling out even more sailboats

Sea Serpent-like 18-foot Fish Found at Catalina

Sea Serpent-like 18-foot Fish Found at Catalina

Byline: Shane Scott CATALINA ISLAND — Snorkeling in the waters of Toyon Bay Oct. 13, Jasmine Santana was headed past the pier for a relaxing swim. She expected to see

Lido Boat Show Attendance Up Nearly 30 Percent

Lido Boat Show Attendance Up Nearly 30 Percent

Byline: Shane Scott NEWPORT BEACH — The 2013 Lido Boat Show — held Sept. 26-29 — offered more than an opportunity for boating enthusiasts to shop for new vessels. There

Scheyden Catalina Air Show Ready to Take Flight

Scheyden Catalina Air Show Ready to Take Flight

Byline: Shane Scott CATALINA ISLAND — The first plane to cross the English Channel and what is considered to be the oldest flyable aircraft in the world, the Bleriot XI,

Rainbow Harbor to Get New Guest Dock

Rainbow Harbor to Get New Guest Dock

Byline: Shane Scott LONG BEACH — Rainbow Harbor may have lost one guest dock, but it will soon be granted another. On Sept. 10, the city of Long Beach removed

Baja Ha-Ha Participants Ready to Sail

Baja Ha-Ha Participants Ready to Sail

Byline: Shane Scott SAN DIEGO — For those who don’t know about the Baja Ha-Ha, it might sound like one big party. For those who cruise it annually, they know