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Long Beach Yacht Club hosts PHRF SoCal Championship, Aug. 4-5

PHRF Championship

LONG BEACH — Buoy and Random Leg divisions will be featured at this year’s PHRF SoCal Championships, which is hosted by Long Beach Yacht Club on Aug. 4-5.

The Buoy Division will feature three buoy races on Aug. 4 and one buoy/one long random leg race on Aug. 5. The Random Leg Division, meanwhile, features two short random leg races on Aug. 4 and one long random leg race on Aug. 5.

The championship is open to any boat with a valid 2017 PHRF of Southern California rating certificate; the entry deadline is Aug. 3, 6 p.m. Fees are $50 for 29-feet and smaller, $60 for 30-39 feet, and $70 for 40-foot and larger.

A $10 late fee will be applied to all entries received between July 24 and Aug. 3.

Long Beach Harbor and the Pacific Ocean are designated as the championship’s racing area.

First warning takes place at 11:30 a.m. on both racing days. A regatta party will be held after racing on Aug. 4; the awards party takes place one hour after the last finish on Aug. 5.

Trophies will be awarded by class to the winners of each division, depending upon the number of entries per class. Perpetual trophies would be awarded at the PHRF annual meeting.

Contact Event Chair Rick von Heydenreich at Long Beach YC at 562-884-8915 or [email protected] or PHrF SoCal Fleet Secretary Karen Campbell at 562-438-6712 or [email protected] for more information.

Online registration is available at

Temporary berthing will be allowed at Long Beach YC’s long dock, on a space available basis. Please contact Long Beach YC at 562-493-5173 or [email protected] for more information about berthing.

Top performers at the 2017 PHRF SoCal Championship were Blade 2, Carbon Footprint and Dos Amigos.

Photo: Long Beach Yacht Club

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