Turnbuckle Tightener (Jan. 15)
LONG BEACH一 The Alamitos Bay Yacht Club will host the Turnbuckle Tightener in Alamitos Bay and, for the Ocean Classes, in Long Beach Harbor, behind the federal breakwater. The race will be governed by the Racing Rules of Sailing and is open to the following classes:
Ocean Course Classes: 29er, 5-0-5, A-Cat, C420, Cal 20, Etchells, Finn, Formula 18, Hobie 16, I420, ILCA 7 (Laser), ILCA 6 (Radial), ILCA 4 (4.7), Open Skiff (Ocean), Optimist, Portsmouth (monohull and multihull), Tempest, Thistle, and Viper 640.
Bay Course Classes: Lido 14 (A, B), Naples Sabot (Senior, Junior A, B, C1, C2, C3), Optimist (Green), Open Skiff (Bay)
and RS Tera (Bay).
Additional One Design Classes will be accepted at the discretion of the Regatta Chair based on the number of entries; five entries are required to establish a class. Sailors have to be in good standing with a club affiliated with US Sailing. Online entries will be accepted until Jan. 14. Before Jan. 9, there will be a $20 fee for Bay Classes and $30 for Ocean Classes. The standard entry fee after Jan. 9 will be $30 for Bay Classes and $40 for Ocean Classes. There are four races scheduled for Ocean Classes, and five races scheduled for Bay Classes. The first warning signal will be at 11:57 a.m. For more information, see the ABYC website at https://www.abyc.org/.
Frosty Deck Regatta (Jan. 15)
DANA POINT一 The Dana Point Yacht Club will host the Frosty Deck Regatta on Jan. 15. The regatta is ruled by the Racing Rules of Sailing; US Sailing Prescriptions to rule 63.2 will not apply; The US Safety Equipment Requirements Near Shore Category will apply, except as modified by this Notice of Race or Sailing Instructions; PHRF of Southern California will apply.
The regatta was open to boats in the PHRF Spinnaker and Non-Spinnaker classes. PHRF class entries will need a valid, current PHRF rating certificate. One-Design classes may be established with five or more entries.
The entry deadline will be at 5 p.m. on Jan. 14; there is a $40 entry fee.
There is one random leg race scheduled; the first warning signal will go off at 10:55 a.m.
For more information or to register for the regatta, see the event website on Regatta Network at https://www.regattanetwork.com/event/23610.
Junior Invitational Regatta and SCYYRA North Series (Jan. 22 & 23)
LONG BEACH一 The Alamitos Bay Yacht Club will host the Junior Invitational Regatta and the third event in the Southern California Youth Yacht Racing Association North Series on Jan. 22 and 23. The regatta is ruled by the Racing Rules of Sailing and will be open to boats of the Naples Sabot class, racing in Junior A, B, C1, C2, and C3. A member shall enter the boat in good standing with a club affiliated with US Sailing or other World Sailing member national authority. In addition, skippers will need to be in good standing in the INSA class. Online entries will be accepted until 4 p.m. on Jan. 21 or in-person until 9:30 a.m. on Jan. 22. There is a $35 entry fee before Jan. 16 and $45 thereafter. The SCYRRA North Series Entry (A’s only) is $10. The fee will include launching, recovery, and storage for visiting competing boats from the day prior to the event until the day following the event. If the event ends on a Sunday, this period is extended to the next day the club is open, as ABYC is closed on Monday and Tuesday. There are nine races scheduled. The first warning each day will sound off at 11:57 a.m. To learn more or register for the event see the event, website at https://www.regattanetwork.com/event/23539.