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Outdoor Recreation Act Passes Senate Committee

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On May 3, the U.S. Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources unanimously approved the America’s Outdoor Recreation Act of 2022. The act has several parts meant to improve and increase outdoor recreation opportunities, including recreational fishing, on federal lands. In addition, some divisions apply specifically to the sportfishing industry, including: 

– Improved Visitation Data, which will require federal land management agencies to establish a single visitation data management and modeling system for public recreation. The data will be used to better understand economic growth in outdoor recreation and manage federal lands.


– Federal Land and Aquatic Resource Activities Assistance, which will increase inspections and decontamination of watercrafts entering federal sites to stop the spread of aquatic invasive species between waterways. 


– Ensuring Recreation is a Management Priority will create an inventory of recreation opportunities on federal lands and requires federal agencies managing lands to protect and enhance the value of outdoor recreation. 


The bill is now waiting for consideration by the full Senate. 

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