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Port of Los Angeles Marine Flare Collection Event

SAN PEDRO一 The Port of Los Angeles is hosting a one-day collection event for residents to dispose of hand-held and aerial flares, as well as smoke signals, on June 19 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. in Lot G of the Cabrillo Way Marina.

Boaters are encouraged to take part in the event to dispose of marine flares safely because of the health and safety hazard that unexploded expired flares have for the environment and the classification of pyrotechnic flares as a 1.4 explosive by the Department of Transportation. 

 Participants will need to place their flares in the trunk of their vehicle and show proof of residency, business, or berth boat for Los Angeles County. West Marine coupons will be available for participants while supplies last.   

The event will not accept electronic flares, military flares, or any other hazardous waste, like paint, oil, or batteries. For other electronic or hazardous waste please call the City of Los Angeles Bureau of Sanitation hotline at (800) 773-2489. The event will be held at Cabrillo Way Marina, 2293 Miner Street, Lot G San Pedro, CA 9073. 

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